October 5, 2008
Wow! It's been over three years since I've updated this site...I am ashamed. I can't believe that this site
has been around for over six years. It's crazy, but really cool, as well. Not a huge update today, I added
a link to my new site, Video Game Virtues to the front page and to the "Links" list. I hope you'll check it out and
join the forum, ( http://forum.videogamevirtues.com). Oh, and I also added some swingin' tunes to the Home page. Thanks for sticking around in the Worlds of Nintendo,
and I sincerely hope to see you around the VGV message board!
March 4, 2005
Hey everyone. Nothing big today, but I added a few links to the home and "Links" page. Wario
Comix and Nintendo Land Park are Worlds of Nintendo's partners. Together
we're trying to get the word out, and get this damned park built! Take care everyone.
October 7, 2004
Well, she's finally here! The Worlds of Nintendo site has an official Mascot. In late August I got a new
puppy, and when it came to naming her, I couldn't think of anything better than the name of my favorite Nintendo Character,
Samus, (from the Metroid series of games)! Her picture is proudly displayed on the sites home page, so rest assured,
the whole site is Samus Approved! Take care everyone!
August 29, 2004
After a long break in updates, I've finally gotten around to uploading all the great submissions I've received over
the past month or so! A special thanks to Gabe from Wario Comix.com for the most excellent advertising he's given to
the Worlds of Nintendo cause. Check out his site at: http://www.wariocomix.com. Stay tuned for the first appearance of the official WoN mascot! Her first picture will be up soon! Take
care everyone!
June 18, 2004
Hey everyone! Just a quick reader submission and a new Nintendo related link. Be sure to check out both sections.
April 23, 2004
Jason V. has sent in one of the greatest "Gift Shop" ideas I've yet to receive! Check out the "Reader Submissions"
section to see what it is!
March 5, 2004
Hey eveyone! Another update already? You bet! Check out the great "Reader Submissions" from Brandy
Chandler. Also, our friend Pokeking returns with another stellar, dream-induced, idea for Worlds of Nintendo!
I'll be going to E3 in May, so stay tuned for some great additions to the park based on what Nintendo rolls out for
the coming year. Take care!
February 15, 2004
I apologize for the lateness of this last update. I've been a busy little bee so far this year. I finally
got around to adding some great submissions from Z12 and a downloadable Word Doc. from Topher Man. Check out the "Reader
Submissions" section for both. I also added a link to a great website called, "The GameCube Cafe' ". It's very
professional and a welcome addition to Worlds of Nintendo "Links" page. I'd like to thank everyone for their support
and kind words over the past year! Take care!
November 13, 2003
Hey hey!! Sorry for the slow updates lately, but I've been very busy with work and a class I'm taking. Princess
Peach and Dan B. have sent in some great suggestions. They are located, as always, in the "Reader Submission" section.
On a side note, Worlds of Nintendo celebrated its 1 year anniversary last month, and I totally missed it! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
WORLDS OF NINTENDO!! Here's to one day visiting this fantasy park!
August 14, 2003
Hey everyone! Keir Cooke has some great ideas located in the "Reader Submission" section. Sorry for the slow
updates, but I've been getting my new video game radio show up and running. Check out our Website at: www.gamehq.net for all the details!
July 29, 2003
Thanks to Kelly and Brian for a pair of great submissions. Enjoy!
June 16, 2003
Hey guys, another Reader Submission comin' at ya'! Thanks to Forrest, Enjoy!
May 23, 2003
Just a quick addition to the "Reader Submission" section today. Thanks to VampricDreams for the
great ideas. I've also made some small text fixes and tweaks over the last few weeks, but nothing major enough
to warrant a "What's New" update! Enjoy and have a great summer!
March 31, 2003
Welcome back! Just a few small additions today. I added links to the Universal Studios Theme Parks along
with a new collector's item in "The Gift Shop". Happy Spring, and I'll speak to you all soon. Thanks for visiting.
March 10, 2003
Greetings! I added a few more rides today so be sure to check out Princess Peach's Parasol Flyers in
the "Mushroom Kingdom", and The Wrath of Ganon in "Hyrule". I've got some pretty cool ideas bouncing
around my noggin, so be sure to check back often and TELL A FRIEND!!
March 6, 2003
Hey everyone, small update today. I uploaded my first attempt at a park logo; it's located on the site's home page.
I think it looks pretty good, but I'm sure it will change again, (and again, and again). Let me know what you think
by dropping me an email. Speak to you soon!
March 4, 2003
I added a disclaimer to top of "The Gift Shop" page, (you'll see it when you read it), and I added some really cool Eternal
Darkness Collector's Items. Hope you enjoy them!
February 19, 2003
Finally got around to uploading a great map of Worlds of Nintendo made using Roller Coaster Tycoon. Remember,
you must have the Corkscrew Follies Expansion Pack for the map to work. Just head over to the "Reader Submission" page
and download it now. Thanks to Gabriel and his friends for the great work!
February 9, 2003
Now there are actually some restaurants listed in "The Cafe'" section of the site. Check them out and let me know
what you think. I'm hungry just thinking about them, hmmmm, maybe I'll go out for some Italian food right now...Enjoy!
February 2, 2003
Hi guys, sorry it's been so long since I've updated, but traffic has been slow, and 2003 has been a rough year, AND IT'S
ONLY FEB. 2ND!! Anyway, I updated the submission page, and began work on a new section called "The Cafe'". This
is where all the food and restaurant ideas will be located. Another thing, please don't forget to send me ideas for
a site logo. A world class theme park like "Worlds of Nintendo", needs a first class logo, so get drawing!
See you soon.
October 22, 2002
Alright WoN fans, this is it...my first contest! Help me design a Worlds of Nintendo Park Insignia.
I'm looking for fans to help create a logo for the park that will be used throughout the site and give the park a sense of
identity. The logo shouldn't be huge, but should include the words " Worlds of Nintendo" to greet people as
they visit the website. Just send your ideas to my email address, and I will post the best ones on the site, eventually
choosing a winner. Send submissions to: worldsofnintendo@hotmail.com. Let your friends know, and let the creativity flow! See you all soon, and good luck!
October 11, 2002
Huge update to the "Reader Submission" section today. Thanks to The Pokeking and OnslaughtRM
for the great ideas. I also revamped some on the pictures on the site to make it feel less cluttered. Enjoy your
October 8, 2002
Hi everyone, I updated the "Reader Submission" section today. Thanks to The Pokeking for the great
suggestions. I also added some more pictures throughout the site, (just to spruce it up a bit). Speak to you soon!
October 5, 2002
Just a few new "Gift Shop" items today. I was playing Smash Bros. and became inspired. Hope you all
enjoy the site, almost 300 visitors already. If you like the site, please tell your friends who might be interested.
I'd like to see some more fan interaction. Speak to you all soon!
October 4, 2002
I am in a Metroid kind of mood today, so I added some new merchandise ideas, (some Mario, some Metroid), and
a ride to "Planet Zebes". Be sure to check out Metroid: Unleashed and see what's new in "The Gift
Shop". Hopefully these will help ease your pain while you wait for Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion to
be released in November. By the way, I changed the "Park Merchandise" section name to "The Gift Shop". I
just liked the sound of it better. Enjoy your stay!
October 1, 2002
I updated the welcome message on the site's home page, and added a few new Merchandise ideas. I also uploaded my
first reader submission. Check out the "Reader Submissions" section to see a park layout idea. The site has
had over 200 visitors so far! To all those who might read this, thanks for the support.
September 28, 2002
I added a new section under the Links page which includes the websites of some major Theme Parks. I also got rid
of the old petition on the site and created an "Official Worlds of Nintendo" one. If you signed the old one, please
take a few minutes and sign the new one. Links are located at the bottom of each page. I am also making minor adjustments
all the time, so please bookmark the page and check back often. Bye for now!
September 26, 2002
I added my first major content addition to both the "Rides and Attractions" and "Park Merchadise" sections.
More will follow shortly!